Almaden Trademarks and Patents
Almaden holds registered trademarks and has trademark applications lodged in several countries.
In all locations worldwide where we do not hold a trademark registration, the marks are considered by Almaden to be trademarked.
A registered trademark has the ® symbol after the word or phrase to indicate that the mark has been legally registered. If the mark has ™ after it then it only means that you consider it to be a trademark.
What are the Almaden Trademarks?
Registered Trademarks
UK Trademarks
Almaden holds 3 UK-registered trademarks for the following words, or phrases:
- Collective IQ® – Our DEX solution
- CIQ® – Our DEX solution
- AlmaAI® – The family name for our suite of generative AI solutions used in Almaden products.
US Trademarks
Almaden holds 1 US-registered trademarks for the following words, or phrases:
- AlmaAI® – The family name for our suite of generative AI solutions used in Almaden products.
Brazil Trademarks
Almaden holds multiple trademarks in Brazil, these include:
- Almaden®
- Collective IQ®
- SmartCenter Almaden®
- The Almaden Logo (below)
Worldwide Trademarks
Where we do not hold a registered trademark, and in all other countries worldwide, Almaden treats these marks as trademarks ™.
- Collective IQ™
- CIQ™
- SmartCenter™ – Our ITAM solution
- Alma™ – The name of our AI concierge used as part of Collective IQ®
- AlmaAI™
- AskAlma™
- AlmaPredict™
- Issues To Focus On Today™
- The Almaden Logo (below)
Patent Applications
In addition to the Almaden Trademarks, we also have a United States Patent Application. This application is pertaining to machine learning models and user experience scores for a device
What is the difference between the different spellings of trademark?
- Trademark is the spelling used in America and used by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
- Trade mark is typically the British spelling
- Trade-mark is the spelling used in Canada